Film Musicians- database update

Hi there,

If you’re a musician signed up to our database, firstly, thank you! It’s great to have such a wide range of options when we’re suggesting for our on-camera spots, and I really hope that we can offer you something in the future.

If you’re signing up for the first time, please ensure that you have definitely entered your instrument or voice type- we sometimes see that musicians haven’t entered this vital information, and unfortunately it means that we can’t find you in our various searches! If you already have a validated account, now might be a good time to log in and check to see if you have all of the information entered possible. You never know when we might need someone with a particular set of visual requirements, or perhaps you have another skill in addition to your musical talents? It’s all useful info for us to have! Your profile login is available here.

Stay well and safe!


Kathleen Ross